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Mowi Belgium


Mowi is the largest salmon farming company in the world. Besides Atlantic salmon, other types of fish are processed. In 2008, an advanced ammonia/glycol cooling and freezing plant was installed at their site specifically for processing and storing various fish products.

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This installation includes:
– 28 refrigerated rooms
– 2 front freezers
– 1 small freezer
– 1 large freezer

The heat from these rooms is extracted by a food-grade refrigerant (glycol), which is cooled with ammonia in the machine room.

Maintenance and expansion

At Sabcobel, we are always ready to support with customized, energy-efficient solutions for complex refrigeration needs. Our partnership with Mowi Belgium began in 2010, when we took over the maintenance of the existing refrigeration and freezing plant. It grew further in 2018 with our expansion of production and refrigeration capacity and renewal of the PLC control system.

Sabcobel designs solutions that are fully tailored to the needs of our customers, as clearly demonstrated by this large-scale project at Mowi Belgium.

  • Cold production: Machine room: Cold production for the entire site with 2 liquid separators/pressure vessels: - MT pressure vessel -15°C with 2 screw compressors - LT pressure vessel -40°C with 2 screw compressors
  • Cold release/consumers: MT pressure vessel: 2 heat exchangers (HE2/HE3) for heat exchange between ammonia -15°C and glycol -8°C. The cold glycol is distributed to all coolers and returns at -3°C. The air coolers keep the production zones between 0°C and 8°C. LT pressure vessel: 1 heat exchanger (HE1) for heat exchange between ammonia -40°C and glycol -34°C. The cold glycol is distributed to all coolers and returns at -28°C. The air coolers keep the production zones between -20°C and -25°C.
  • Heat output/consumers: Heat recovery: The heat exchanger (HE4) extracts heat from the compressed gases and feeds a secondary hot water circuit. This circuit supplies heat to a heat pump (40 kW), which is responsible for producing domestic hot water and for cleaning purposes. This creates an HVAC solution with a COP of 3.8. Additional heat recovery: 2 heat exchangers (HE5 and HE6) for defrosting evaporators and floor heating under the freezer cells.
  • Coolers/Vaporizers: Number: 55 evaporators Operation: Cold glycol is pumped through evaporators and warmed by ambient air. Modulating control valve and circulation pump control glycol flow rate. Defrosting by hot glycol from heat recovery from oil cooling.

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